Daniel Smith Akvarellfärg Red
Akrylfärg Winsor & Newton Prof. 200ml Perylene red 464
Description: Perylene Red is a fluorescent dye molecule. Perylene Red is medium staining and semi-tranparent. It creates vivid, dark washes with a clean brilliant red-orange. This sedimentary pigment offers an additional health plus, as it is made from a metal-free red. Clean modern pigments such as this will put accidental mud-making in the past.
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Pigment Red 179, which is close to alizarin crimson (chemical structure: replace HN group in PV29 with CH 3 N). Perylene is used as a dye for spectroscopic studies. Application Perylene has been used as a standard along with a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to determine the spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in surface sediments of rivers. Packaging 1, 5 g in glass bottle Akvarellfärg av konstnärskvalitet. 244 kulörer, många unika pigment ingen annan erbjuder som gnistrande, metalliska, pärlemorsskimrande etc. 5 serier, 75% serie 1-2, över 80% singelpigment, 15 ml tuber.
Konstnärsmaterial - WINSOR Prof Acrylic 200ML PERYLENE
I now keep it and will try it on skin tags next. Thanks for creating such Perylene green (14 784). Extremely dark black-green. Ideal shadow colour especially for landscape painting.
Prof Acrylic 200ML PERYLENE RED 464 - Akryl - Teknikproffset
Application Perylene has been used as a standard along with a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to determine the spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in surface sediments of rivers. Packaging 1, 5 g in glass bottle 142 rows This is the much requested video about all the Perylene colors Daniel Smith has. *** Get your own Perylene Dot cards ***https://www.patreon.com/otokanoPeryle Water col hp Perylene red Rembrandt akvarellfärger i halvpanna / half pan, är en serie utmärkta akvarellfärger från nederländska kvalitetstillverkaren Royal Talens i artistkvalitet – företagets finaste akvarellnivå – som riktar sig både till kvalitetsmedvetna vardagsentusiaster och de med mer 2016-06-28 Perylene Red CAS Number: 123174-58-3: Molecular Weight: 1079.240: Density: 1.3±0.1 g/cm3: Boiling Point: N/A: Molecular Formula: C 72 H 58 N 2 O 8: Melting Point: N/A: MSDS: N/A Flash Point: N/A Perylene Red is medium staining and semi-tranparent. It creates vivid, dark washes with a clean brilliant red-orange. This sedimentary pigment offers an additional health plus, as it is made from a metal-free red.
Varumärke. Serie. W&N Prof. Acrylic. Recensioner. Köp Perylene Red 15ml - Daniel Smith akvarellfärg hos oss. Alltid snabba leveranser – välkommen till WS & Co!
Daniel Smith Extra Fine akvarellfärg 15ml Perylene Red. 168 kr.
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Cadmium Red Scarlet Hue S3 0219 Perylene Red S3 0075 Perylenröd. högpresterande fluorescerande pigment som motsvarar Lumogen red F300 Rot 300 CAS No.123174-58-3.