Förhandling om betydelse i interaktiv barn- och ungdomsteater
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This setup suggests a gradient ranging from biologically encoded processes ( e.g ., meat craving) to cultural manifestations encoded by signs ( e.g ., symbolism and artistic expression). Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of strata is examined in order to develop a geophilosophy for the Anthropocene. Establishing a model of strata that conjoins earth and social flows together into planes of interrelated production highlights how the fossil substratum subtends contemporary forms of social relations. Fifth, the differential “degrees of species development,” that is, the change in forms in the organic strata, studied by Darwin could be accounted for by the interaction between the random evolution of “the annexed or associated strata,” that Deleuze and Guattari called “parastrata,” and the sometimes imperfect transmission of the “genetic code” carried by a particular Strata’nın bu sayısı, siyaset, siyasal olan ve teori-toplum ilişkilerine dair bu vaadi, özellikle siyaset bilimi, siyaset sosyolojisi, siyaset teorisi, sosyal bilim felsefesi ve iletişim bilimlerinden katkılarla; demokrasi arzusu, ilişkisel-realist siyaset biliminin sosyal bilim felsefesl, Deleuze ve politik teori ilişkisi, Said’de sürgün entelektüel, güvenlikçi söylemin following concepts in Deleuze’s philosophy: the multiplicity of order and the multiplicity of organization, strata and meshworks, virtuality and multitude.
Deleuze skrev en række indflydelsesrige værker om filosofi, litteratur, film og kunst, mellem 1960'erne og hans død. 16 Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 41. 17 Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 52. 18 Deleuze and Guattari argue that there are two assemblages used within A Thousand Plateaus: the machinic assemblage and the collective assemblage of enunciation.
Förhandling om betydelse i interaktiv barn- och ungdomsteater
Deleuze links. Deleuze Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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This section of Adkins' text is somewhat uncharacteristically confusing, stratification — [strat΄ə fi kā′shən] n. 1. the process of stratifying or the state of being stratified 2. a stratified arrangement or appearance 3.
Translation of: Mille plateaux, v. 2 of Capitalisme et schizophrenic.
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Deleuze and Guattari (2011) advise us to be cau-tious with this move to the unthinkable. Outside the strata or in the absence of the strata we no longer have forms or substances, organization or development, For Deleuze and Guattari, a philosophical concept never operates in isolation but comes to its sense in connection with other senses in specific yet creative and often unpredictable ways.
Establishing a model of strata that conjoins earth and social flows together into planes of interrelated production highlights how the fossil substratum subtends …
Deleuze and Guattari exemplify this in their discussion, which mixes strata of biology and geology, sharing their elements and complicating their rules of coherence in a way that changes the consistency of each stratum as they come into contact and undergo a mutual 'becoming'. 15 The neighbourhood of surrounding strata, as well as the underlying chaos that is the body without organs, thereby
One needs to recognise Deleuze’s metaphysical ground, which derives from Spinoza’s two attributes (figure 2.16.2).
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2018-02-02 · The abstract machines, being definitionally ‘abstract’ (as Deleuze explains elsewhere — abstractions contain two components, one which is given in representation and the other which is not) are real but not actual, and are effectuated in the strata by a concrete machinic assemblage. 24 Abstract machines are thereby the non-concrete (i.e. transcendental) counterparts of machinic Deleuze insisterer stærkt på filosofiens egenart - i en tid, hvor reklamebranchen udformer 'koncepter', og der laves 'konceptkunst', slår han stædigt på, at kun filosofien i strengere forstand kan befatte sig med egentlige begreber, resten er bare marketing og spekulation. Gilles Deleuze Felix Guattari A Thousand Plateaus (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987) tr. Brian Massumi 1. Introduction: Rhizome The two of us wrote Anti-Oedipus together.