Creating Shared Value - DiVA
Creating Shared Value: Ett nytt fenomen eller en naturlig
First we center on the works that identify CSR as a value driver and, next, we focus on Porter and Kramer shared value proposition. Section 4 is devoted to the parallel evolution of asset valuation mod- We analyze, from the viewpoint of value creation, the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) thought from Friedman critical view of CSR to Porter and Kramer “shared-value Porter and Kramer categorize the agenda into responsive CSR and strategic CSR. A responsive CSR is aimed towards mitigating existing or potential adverse effects of the company’s activities and acting as a good corporate citizen by contributing towards mitigating the evolving social concerns of the community. Porter and Kramer (2002) “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy”, seeks to address the tension of addressing the demand for greater levels of CSR with the demand for short term profits focusing on how a society's ‘competitive context’ impacts business arguing it is possible to see long term economic and social goals as connected. Porter och Kramer (2006) skriver “If instead, corporations were to analyze their prospects for social responsibility using the same frameworks that guide their core business choices, they would discover that CSR can be much Porter and Kramer (2006) term these interactions inside-out and outside-in linkages. To develop and implement a strategic CSR policy, a company must map it’s inside-out linkages, its value chain effects on society, and it’s outside-in linkages, the effects of the context in which the firm operates on its activities. till att skapa nya perspektiv på vad CSR-arbete och ansvarstagande innebär. Detta kan i sin tur få fler företag att vilja ta ett större socialt ansvar i sin verksamhet (Porter och Kramer., 2006).
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*** Inger Mattsson CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY,. CSR om att alltfler studenter efterfrågar CSR relaterade professor vid Harvarduniversitetet och kollegan Mark Kramer. skapa ekonomiska fördelar för företaget, säger Michael Porter. Michael Brons: Jämtlands Oatmeal Porter (Jämtlands Bryggeri) Veteöl max Brons: Cidraie (CSR) Silver: Knappogue Castle 1995 Single Malt, Irland (Stellan Kramer) Porter och Kramer, Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate.
First, they pit business against society, when in reality the two are interdependent. Porter and Kramer's CSR value chain Porter's Value Chain Michael Porter became known in the 1980s as his idea of the value chain spread.
Creating Shared Value: Ett nytt fenomen eller en naturlig
Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på - startsida för uppsatser, av M Aljibouri · 2019 — fenomenet hållbarhet och Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Porter och Kramer (2011) introducerade CSV som ett substitut till CSR som de anser brister i. av F Quennerstedt · 2012 — Ekonomerna Porter och Kramer myntade 2011 ett nytt begrepp kallat CSV, Creating Shared Value, med tanken att minska de problem som funnits inom CSR. av H Pettersson · 2019 — I ett försök att lösa bristerna med värdemätningen från CSR introducerade Porter & Kramer. (2011) begreppet Creating Shared Value (CSV). Vi av T Sundberg · 2011 — Creating Shared Value, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSV, CSR, Tabell 1 – Skillnader mellan CSR och CSV (Porter & Kramer, 2011, s.
(Porter & Kramer, 2006) 1.2 Bakgrund CSR har sedan mitten av 90-talet blivit ett allt mer viktigt område för företag att ta hänsyn till. Orsaker till uppkomsten av CSR har bl.a. varit kritik från anti-globaliseringsrörelsen mot multinationella företag som outsourcat sin verksamhet till fattigare länder i tredje världen
2020-07-14 · CSR v CSV. Porter and Kramer drew a distinction between the common activities related to the well-established model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their new business concept of Creating Shared Value. 2019-12-15 · Introduction.
For our analysis of the collected data we used Visser and Porter & Kramer to explain how CSR change, and how it should change. 2.1 | Porter and Kramer's CSR and CSV Porter and Kramer (2006) classified CSR into two types: responsive †JEL classification codes: D21, L20, L21, M14, Q01 and strategic. According to their study, the motivation of responsive DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2252 Creating competitive advantages – The European CSR-strategy compared with Porter’s and Kramer’s Shared value approach 1. Introduction What the various definitions one can find for cor-porate social responsibility (CSR) have in common is that most of them refer to the triple bottom line approach of Elkington (1997) that focuses on the olika branscher, CSR beskrivs därför som ett branschspecifikt fenomen (Grafström et al., 2008; Porter & Kramer, 2006). En bransch där CSR och hållbarhet tidigt blev etablerade begrepp är energibranschen (Pätäri, Arminen, Tuppura, & Jantunen, 2014).
Detta kan i sin tur få fler företag att vilja ta ett större socialt ansvar i sin verksamhet (Porter och Kramer., 2006). Företag i en mängd olika branscher arbetar med CSR på olika sätt, men en bransch som är särskilt intressant är banksektorn.
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They put business against society, when clearly the two are interdependent They pressure companies to think of CSR in generic ways instead of in the way most appropriate to eaach firms strategy Being Hold Porter & Kramer (2006) The Link between Competitive Advantage & Corporate Social Responsibility Posted on 16 October 2013 A new approach to CSR which both (i) acknowledges the interdependence of companies and the broader community, and (ii) enables companies to develop a tailored, rather than generic, CSR strategy. 2020-07-14 · CSR v CSV. Porter and Kramer drew a distinction between the common activities related to the well-established model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their new business concept of Creating Shared Value. Porter and Kramer argue that the deficiencies in approach to CSR have resulted in unco-ordinated and non-strategic activities that “neither make any meaningful social impact nor strengthen the firm’s long-term competitiveness”.